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W & F
Collector's Edition

Start the Forbidden series today!

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U & U Collector's Edition

COntinue the wildworld!

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Wild World Ebook Bundle

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She craves freedom from her overbearing family, and being a student at Park Mountain University is exactly that for her.

Until she’s partnered up for an entire semester with a surly, difficult man who despises her immediately for no reason at all. So much for an escape…

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New Release!

I’ve loved her for as long as I can remember.

She’s my mom’s best friend and a cop. It’s nearly impossible to keep my distance, though. The ache for her rare smiles and her sweet scent is more than I can bear.

I’m more than her friend’s son. I want to show her I’m a man now and that I could be her man.

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The Heart of Smoke
K-club is the place to be! This exclusive, members-only club has many awesome tiers with awesome stuff like
free ebooks, sneak peeks, special editions, discounts, and more!! The special editions don’t last forever! Join K-Club today!!

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Free Short Story!

Daddy Reed by K Webster takes place around twenty years after The Wild (give or take a few years). Their original love story can be found in The Wild. This 10k word short story gives you a glimpse into their happily ever after and a peek at their many children to gear you up for the next book in this Wild World called The Untamed.

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